Support KVCS

Let each one give as he purposes in his heart.
-2 Corinthians 9:7

How can you help KVCS?
Kootenai Valley Christian School is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and relies upon support from friends and sponsors.
There are many ways to help KVCS that you can find on this page.

Tuition payments are accepted through Intuit.  Links are emailed directly to parents with each monthly invoice generated by the KVCS Bookkeeper.

PayPal Donations

One Time Donation


Recurring Donation Options

Help Out KVCS Without Spending a Dime

There are several ways you can support Kootenai Valley Christian School with no money out of your pocket.

The easiest way to help out KVCS is to remember to pray for our school, staff and students!

Enjoy the same Amazon shopping experience and donate to KVCS without spending an extra dime! Visit and login with your Amazon ID as you normally would. Then choose Kootenai Valley Christian School and 5% of all purchase are donated back to the school, all at no cost to you!

Clip and bring in Box Tops for Education to earn cash and supplies for KVCS. These are due in the office by October 31st and February 28th of every year.

Purchase Rosauers Gift Cards at the KVCS front office. They spend the same as cash, but Rosauers gives 5% back to the school.

More Ways to Support KVCS

Thrivent members may sign up for Thrivent Choice and designate funds to be used for specific events. Stop by the office or contact us for more information.

Our Amazon Wishlist includes items like supplies and more for students and teachers that you can purchase for Kootenai Valley Christian School.

Main Campus

1024 Montana Ave Libby, MT 59923

North Campus

1665 MT 37 Libby, MT 59923

Kootenai Valley Christian School admits students of any race, color, national or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admission policies, or scholarship programs.